Friday, July 18, 2008

Cute Cats in rain !!!!!!!!!!

Yesterday it was raining in my surroundings ,it was not just a drizzle but a little bit heavy downpour.I was enjoying the rain staying outside my house when i heard a little "Meow" around the corner so i turned back to check it out and it turned to be little Kitten which hangs around our neighborhood.It seemed that the kitten has stopped by my house for a shelter from the downpour and was even accompanied by his mom cat.It was a little orangish in color and i always liked kittens and pets but my mom who hated pets kept on pushing them away from my house so i had to fight with my mom to let them stay till the rain gets over and i succeeded in it.I felt very happy after that incident and now hoping that i will even succeed in having a pet too in my near future.

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